Problems with teenagers working
Almost every teenager wants a job. However they work part time or full time. As a result, work can affect psychologically or economically. In addition, it has positive and negative side, too.
The positive side is that they get much responsibility. Also, it helps them to executive their time skill, dependability, many more. On the other hand, the negative side can appearance many problems in teenager’s lives.
According to article by Robert I. Lerman that state in New York Times. He describe that the teenager who are 16 or 17 years old who work full time. Usually, the teenagers who work this long time have many effects in their life. They also skip their school and destroy future. He said,” Only 2 percent of teenagers who worked long hours were doing poorly at school. For teenagers who weren't working, the share was 7 percent. Doing homework was equally common in both groups. Also, it has advantage and disadvantage. The advantage way is a sense of responsibility, which is one of the most important things for their life and to learn time management skill, one of the keys to success. The disadvantage way can affect much more problem like they get sick.stree, tried and, pain, too.

According to article by Mary Ann mibourn that state in The Orange County Register. She talking about teenager has opportunities to work in summer. That how they can make little money and buy whatever they want to buy. She said,” jobs have always been hard to come by for teens, but during this recession, it has been especially difficult. In California, unemployment among young people ages 16 to 19 was 33.9% in January, according to the state employment development department. every teenager is very animated to do work no matter how difficult it is. Teenager has to part time and study for school or college. Because this job is not spectacular that they want to do rest of their life. whenever teennager decided to do something they have think carefully.
Good essay, including references from several online news sources.